Are you tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses for clear vision? You’re not alone.
Millions of people around the world wear glasses. Glasses can make it hard to see in your periphery, depending on the frame you choose. They can also slip down your face or be uncomfortable. Lenses can sometimes fog up or get splattered in the rain. Fortunately, advancements in technology have provided alternative solutions, like LASIK surgery and contact lenses.
But how do you choose between the two? Keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons of LASIK and contact lenses!
Contact lenses allow you to wear non-prescription sunglasses or participate in sports and other physical activities without worrying about your glasses being in the way. However, putting in and taking out your contact lenses can be time consuming and inconvenient. Additionally, some may find inserting and removing contact lenses challenging.
Not needing to put in your contacts every morning and take them out every night is one of the best parts about getting LASIK. Imagine waking up with clear, unaided vision daily for years to come.
During LASIK, your LASIK surgeon will reshape your cornea to correct your refractive error, allowing you to have crisper vision and reduce your dependence on visual aids like glasses and contact lenses.
Like contact lenses, LASIK can correct most cases of farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism, in any combination.
Eye Health
Generally, contact lenses are safe to wear when used correctly. However, the CDC reports that an estimated 40% – 90% of contact lens wearers do not properly follow the care instructions for their contact lenses. Unfortunately, contact lens wearers are more prone to developing certain corneal conditions or developing serious eye infections like keratitis.
Keratitis is a painful inflammation of the cornea–the transparent front part of your eye–that causes it to swell. Sometimes, microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi can get trapped under your contact lenses, causing inflammation and eventually infection.
Leaving your contacts in when you sleep or even nap can put you at a much greater risk of developing an eye infection. You can also get an infection from not washing your hands properly before touching your contact lenses or improper storage or cleaning of your contacts.
LASIK reduces the need for contacts, substantially lowering the risk of eye infections. After LASIK, you will be less likely to come into contact with harmful microorganisms that you might be more frequently exposed to with contact lenses.
Consider how often you clean your contacts, touch your eyes to insert or remove your contact lenses, or adjust them. After LASIK, you won’t need to touch your eyes as much.
Many people find contact lenses more comfortable than the weight of glasses on their nose or the pressure on their ears. Contact lenses can still cause significant discomfort, though, especially after a long day of wear. Many people complain of dry, irritated, and tired eyes at the end of the day.
Those with allergies will likely encounter discomfort when allergens in the air become adhered to their contact lenses. Allergens can cause miserable symptoms such as itchy, watery, and swollen eyes.
With LASIK, the only discomfort comes during the healing process immediately after the procedure. You may also experience some dry eye symptoms during that time, but eye drops will generally make your eyes more comfortable. Once fully healed, your eyes will likely feel completely normal and not require any additional forms of maintenance.
By eliminating the need for scratchy, uncomfortable contact lenses, LASIK offers the freedom to enjoy crystal-clear vision comfortably.
When it comes to choosing between glasses, contacts, or LASIK, cost is often a major concern. Glasses and contact lenses have smaller upfront costs compared to LASIK, but their ongoing costs will eventually add up. Think about how much you spend per year on your glasses, contacts, and supplies.
When you consider how much you will spend on glasses and contacts for the rest of your life, LASIK is the highly cost-effective option in the long run. LASIK is likely to pay for itself sooner than glasses and contacts, offering the added advantage of not having to worry about daily maintenance and care.
Are you ready to learn if you might be a good candidate for LASIK? Schedule your free LASIK screening at VisionPoint Eye Center in Bloomington or Champaign today!