At VisionPoint, our Doctors and NCLE certified technicians specialize in the professional fitting and dispensing of premium contact lenses.
We offer a wide selection of lenses including:
- Soft Dailies, this lens is discarded each day and requires NO cleaning or hassle
- Soft Dailies Bifocal lenses that are discarded daily
- Soft Daily-Wear disposables that are discarded every 2-4 weeks depending on brand
- Soft Tinted disposables
- Soft Extended wear disposables that can be slept in overnight
- Soft Toric lenses for Astigmatism
- Soft Bifocal disposables that are discarded every 2-4 weeks depending on brand
- Soft Toric bifocal lenses for patients with both astigmatism and near vision demands
- Rigid Gas-Permeable (RGP)
- Rigid Gas-Permeable (RGP) bifocal lenses
- Corneal Refractive Therapy
- Scleral Lenses for keratoconus, corneal irregularities, dry eyes, and other difficult to fit eye conditions
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Contact Lens Evaluation
Our contacts are released and dispensed only after a thorough diagnostic evaluation to ensure the most up-to-date prescription and to rule out any pre-existing conditions that could interfere with contact lens wear.
In the evaluation, we make sure your lenses are the correct size and shape for your eyes, and that they are comfortable for all-day wear. We also check that your lens solution is working effectively and that you are practicing proper hygiene for putting in and taking out your contact lenses.
Contact Lens Fitting
The three most important elements of a successful contact lens fitting are improved vision, all-day comfort and maintained eye health. A contact lens fit makes sure you get the right lens to meet these goals.
We will determine the best-fitting lens based on your lifestyle needs along with the shape and health of your eye. In most cases, you’ll have the opportunity to try lenses on the same day as your exam. We can also provide samples for you to take home and try before making a final decision.
Since most people can wear more than one type of lens, it is important to know the options and how each might suit your eye care needs.
- Soft Lenses – These lenses are comfortable to wear and must be replaced monthly, weekly or daily depending on the type you choose. Soft lenses are recommended for sports because they fit closer to the eye and are more difficult to dislodge. They can provide correction for most prescriptions including astigmatism.
- Gas-Permeable (GP) – These lenses offer sharp vision and correction to most vision problems. They are more durable than soft contact lenses; however, they do require a longer adaptation period and consistent wear to maintain adaptation.
- Multifocal Lenses – Available in both soft and GP designs, multifocal lenses offer patients both distance and near vision correction just like a pair of bifocal glasses.
- Color Contact Lenses – Enhance your eye color or even change it completely. Colored contact lenses are fun and come in a variety of colors for both light and dark eyes.
- Silicone Hydrogels – These lenses have high oxygen permeability and allow for better comfort and longer wear.
- Scleral Lenses – These are large diameter rigid gas permeable lenses that rest on the sclera, which is the white part of the eye. Their unique features maximize hydration and provide vision that cannot be matched by other types of corrective devices. Most beneficial for patients who have corneal diseases, dystrophies, and degenerations (i.e. keratoconus), patients who have corneal scars and irregularities, and patients who have had a corneal transplant. Dr. Huettemann is our scleral lens expert who specializes in helping patients obtain accurate, comfortable vision through the use of scleral contact lens technology. Patients from all around the country visit Dr. Huettemann for his expertise with scleral contact lenses. If you have keratoconus, corneal irregularities, dry eye, or contact lens discomfort, schedule your appointment with Dr. Huettemann to see if scleral lenses can help you achieve better vision and more comfortable eyes.
Regardless of the type of contact lens you wear, an annual eye exam is recommended to ensure the continued health of your eyes. Schedule an appointment for a contact lens evaluation today!
Ordering Contact Lenses
VisionPoint makes it easy to order your contact lenses. Anyone with a current prescription (within the past year) from their doctor can order contacts through us in one of two simple ways:
- Stop by VisionPoint Eye Center at 1107 Airport Road
- Order through our online portal.
Consider LASIK instead of Glasses or Contacts!
You can go back to your regular eyewear, or you could choose iLASIK! LASIK surgery is quick, painless and eliminates the need for glasses or contacts. Just think of the freedom and cost savings over your lifetime. Simply ask for a complimentary LASIK consultation while you’re at our office. Get answers to common questions about LASIK and our other vision correction services.